About Me

Hello there! Well first of all, I'm so glad you're here! If you are reading this then I have done something right and I am so incredibly happy for that. Well lets get into this little intro shall we? My name is Lisa I am a 22 year old writing enthusiast that had just realized that this is what I want to do every.. single.. day! I have a really good feeling about wanting to write and share with you guys about my experiences, problems/fears and how I've overcome them, tips, makeup, skincare, traveling, and so much more! There is so much to come for the future and I want YOU to join this journey with me!
Other than this blog, I will go ahead and give you the basics of who Lisa is.  Where do I start? Well, I LOVE to travel, I love discovering new places and hidden gems. One of my aspirations in life is to travel the world and learn different cultures, eat so much food, and document the wonders that the world has to offer. I currently work two jobs. I am your local barista at a Starbucks and your savvy makeup enthusiast at Sephora. I have one amazing chocolate Labrador with the most beautiful soul. I have been SO grateful to cross paths with him in my life and get to call him mine. I am a Disneyland fanatic so when I get my annual pass back, there will be TONS of those posts for my Disney peeps out there! I am Mexican/Venezuelan and have a beautiful mother, a stunning little/big sister and both I hold close to my heart. Last but not least, my wonderful soulmate, I am so grateful for him and his family as they have done so much for me. I would be in such a different place if I had not met him. I know it's cliche to say but I can't find the most beautiful, perfect words to describe this wondrous, good human being with the biggest heart that I have been blessed with.
I would not be here writing this blog post if it wasn't for him inspiring me everyday to chase my dreams. I mean I wouldn't be here most importantly as well if it wasn't for myself actually doing this. I forget to give myself credit a lot of the time. I mean, a lot of us do. We forget that we are strong. We forget that we are led to the water but we are the ones that choose to drink it. I am here now because I ultimately made the decision to start this blog. I am here speaking to you and hoping that maybe, just maybe.. you can relate to someone like me and hopefully I can give you inspiration and maybe laugh or even cry a little.  So again, I AM SO GLAD YOU'RE HERE and I hope you find joy or even a safe place here at my blog. Sit back, relax, and grab your daily cup of Lisa. Enjoy!!

Take initiative,


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